Health Policy Project

The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.

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Cover Image Cover Image Cover Image Cover Image Cover Image
Pub date
Title & Author
APR 2016
MAR 2016
FEB 2016
DEC 2015
OCT 2015
Country Results Summaries
   Health Policy Project
SEP 2015
Insights into Family Planning and Religion in Malawi
   Rebecca Mbuya-Brown and Erin McGinn
SEP 2015
Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Tanzania: Costs and Impacts of the One Plan II
   Arin Dutta, Katie West Slevin, Catherine Barker and Elizabeth Leahy-Madsen
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
Planning for Nepal’s Demographic Dividend: Investments in Family Planning, Gender Equality, and Education
   Elisabeth Rottach, Liz Leahy Madsen, Heer Chokshi, Lory A. Frenkel, Nancy Yinger
SEP 2015
Gender and Reproductive Health Policy in Malawi
   Jennifer Pendleton, Madison Mellish, Henry Sapuwa, and Laili Irani
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
Noncommunicable Diseases: The Payoffs of Investing Early in Prevention Efforts
   Ricardo Silva, Veena Menon, Wame Mosime, and Elise Lang
SEP 2015
Financing ARV Treatment in Botswana
   Elise Lang and Veena Menon
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
AUG 2015
AUG 2015
AUG 2015
AUG 2015
Political Will for Health System Devolution in Kenya: Insights from Three Counties
   Alyson Lipsky, Aaron Mulaki, Taylor Williamson, and Zoe Sullivan
AUG 2015
JUL 2015
JUL 2015
Ghana RAPID: Ashanti Region Brief
   Health Policy Project
JUL 2015
Ghana RAPID: Brong Ahafo Region Brief
   Health Policy Project
JUL 2015
Ghana RAPID: Central Region booklet
   Health Policy Project
JUL 2015
Ghana RAPID: Greater Accra Region Brief
   Health Policy Project
JUL 2015
Ghana RAPID: Northern Region Brief
   Health Policy Project
JUL 2015
Ghana RAPID: Upper East Region Brief
   Health Policy Project
JUL 2015
Ghana RAPID: Upper West Region Brief
   Health Policy Project
JUL 2015
Ghana RAPID: Volta Region Brief
   Health Policy Project
MAY 2015
MAY 2015
MAY 2015
MAY 2015
Family Planning in Kenya: Saving Lives, Saving Money
   Government of Kenya, Kenya National Council for Population and Development, and Health Policy Project
MAY 2015
Making the Case for Mothers: Improving Lives Through Policy
   Tewodros Bekele, Annmarie Leadman, Carol Miller, Nicole Perales, Andrew Zapfel
APR 2015
How Can People Living with HIV and Key Populations Access Justice in Ghana?
   Taylor Williamson, Vivian Fiscian, Joseph Whittal, and Ron MacInnis
APR 2015
APR 2015
MAR 2015
MAR 2015
MAR 2015
MAR 2015
FEB 2015
FEB 2015
FEB 2015
FEB 2015
Ghana RAPID: Western Region Brief
   Health Policy Project
FEB 2015
La Loi sur la Lutte Contre la Traite des Personnes: Note d’information
   Patrick Camille, Diem Pierre, Vantz Brutus, Philippe Cantave, and Annie Chen
JAN 2015
Antitrafficking Law
   Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MAST)
JAN 2015
Law Reforming Adoption
   Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MAST)
JAN 2015
Exploring 10 Years of Health Service Cost and Use in Kenya
   Ministry of Health, Government of Kenya
JAN 2015
JAN 2015
Nigeria RAPID: The Change We Seek—Adamawa State (brief)
   Government of Nigeria, National Population Commission, HPP and UNFPA
DEC 2014
DEC 2014
Devolution of Kenya’s Health System: The Role of HPP
   Taylor Williamson, Aaron Mulaki
DEC 2014
DEC 2014
DEC 2014
NOV 2014
NOV 2014
NOV 2014
OCT 2014
Transforming Gender Norms, Roles, and Dynamics for Better Health
   Public Health Foundation of India, MEASURE Evaluation, Health Policy Project, and International Center for Research on Women
SEP 2014
AUG 2014
AUG 2014
AUG 2014
JUL 2014
Capacity Development Resource Guides
   Health Policy Project
JUL 2014
JUL 2014
Public Expenditure Tracking Survey in Kenya, 2012 (PETS-Plus)
   Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) and the Health Policy Project
JUL 2014
JUL 2014
The Expenditure Management Information System: Moving Toward Greater Transparency, Improved Planning, and Harmonized Reporting
   Afghanistan Ministry of Public Health, Health Economics and Financing Directorate
JUL 2014
JUL 2014
JUL 2014
Demographic Dividend Opportunities for Kenya: Results from the DemDiv Model
   National Council for Population and Development and Health Policy Project
JUL 2014
JUL 2014
JUL 2014
JUN 2014
JUN 2014
Health Insurance: Opportunities for Protecting All Afghans
   Afghanistan Ministry of Public Health, Health Economics and Financing Directorate
JUN 2014
Levels, Trends, and Determinants of Fertility and Family Planning in Amhara: In-Depth Analysis of EDHS 2011
   Mekonnen Tadesse, Alem Mekonnen, Ahmed Mohammed, and Negash Tekelu
JUN 2014
Loi réformant l’Adoption, Republique d'Haïti
   Ministère des Affaires Sociales et du Travail (MAST)
JUN 2014
Making National Hospitals Efficient: Improving the Hospital Autonomy Process
   Ministry of Public Health, Health Economics and Financing Directorate
JUN 2014
JUN 2014
JUN 2014
JUN 2014
MAY 2014
Survey on Violence Against Children in Haiti: A Summary
   Marjorie K. Bertrand, Mike Park
APR 2014
MAR 2014
FEB 2014
Snapshot: Tanzania’s Health System
   Katie West-Slevin, Cathy Barker, Mari Hickmann
FEB 2014
JAN 2014
JAN 2014
NOV 2013
NOV 2013
OCT 2013
SEP 2013
SEP 2013
Jordan National Reproductive Health/Family Planning Strategy: At a Glance
   Higher Population Council and Health Policy Project
AUG 2013
AUG 2013
JUN 2013
Reproductive Health Financing for Uganda: Commitment to Action
   Moses Muwonge and Diana Nambatya Nsubuga (PPD ARO)
MAY 2013
MAY 2013
The Impacts of Healthy Birth Spacing in Jordan
   Higher Population Council
APR 2013
APR 2013
MAR 2013
MAR 2013
JAN 2013
JAN 2013
DEC 2012
OCT 2012
SEP 2012
SEP 2012
SEP 2012
Injectable Contraceptives to Expand the Basket of Choice under India’s Family Planning Programme: An Update
   Dr. R.K. Srivastava, Dr. Honey Tanwar, Dr. Priyanka Singh, and Dr. B.C. Patro
AUG 2012
Family Planning in Ethiopia
   Diana Nambatya (PPD ARO)
AUG 2012
APR 2012
FEB 2012
Malawi RAPID: Population and Development: Update January 2012 (Brief)
   Ministry of Finance and Development Planning
MAY 2011
The GAP Tool (Brief)
   Priya Emmart
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
JAN 2011
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The Health Policy Project is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development under Agreement No. AID-OAA-A-10-00067, beginning September 30, 2010. The project's HIV-related activities are supported by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). It is implemented by Futures Group, in collaboration with Plan International USA, Avenir Health (previously Futures Institute), Partners in Population and Development, Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO), Population Reference Bureau (PRB), RTI International, and White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood (WRA). The information provided on this Web site is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government.

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