The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Software and Models

Health Policy Project
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The Health Policy Project offers user-friendly software and computer models to help in-country partners understand the magnitude of health challenges, explore policy and resource options, and set priorities. Through this page, you can access computer models, including the Spectrum Suite of Policy Models.
- AIM-B: AIDS Impact Model for Business
AIM-B is an economic and demographic model for managers that examines the effects of HIV/AIDS on their businesses and projects how it may affect their workforce and profits. The tool is meant to show the tangible impacts that HIV can have on a business, and motivate management to invest in policies and interventions that prevent new HIV infections and mitigate the impacts of HIV on employees and the business. The tool develops HIV and AIDS prevalence estimates for a workforce and models how these will develop in the future. These estimates are used to calculate the potential additional costs to the company due to HIV/AIDS. Costs considered include health care provision, recruitment, training, productivity loss, and death benefits. AIM-B outputs include the number of HIV/AIDS cases in the workforce, and company profits with and without HIV-related impacts.
- DemDiv Model
The demographic dividend is an opportunity for economic growth, development, and improved well-being that arises as a result of changes in population age structure. DemDiv is a user-friendly, evidence-based tool that can inform policymakers in high-fertility countries of the potential benefits of the demographic dividend and increase their support for investments in the multisectoral policies required to achieve those benefits. The model, which can be applied in any country, allows users to design multiple scenarios showing how the combined power of policy investments in family planning, education, and the economy can generate a demographic dividend not possible under the status quo.
- Family Planning Tools
These interactive tools are designed to illustrate key concepts in population and family planning dynamics. With them you can explore the concepts of the demographic dividend, the proximate determinants of fertility, population momentum, and family planning goals. Each tool lets you select the country to examine. The tools are simple and easy to use and each illustrates just one concept. More detailed analysis can be done with the Spectrum software.
- GAP Tool: Gather, Analyze, and Plan
The GAP Tool (Gather, Analyze, and Plan) is a simple Excel-based tool to help policymakers, ministry officials, health officials, and advocates understand and plan for the costs associated with expanding family planning to achieve their country's contraceptive prevalence or fertility goals. The two main outputs produced by the tool are the country’s funding gaps for a national family planning program and for family planning commodities.
- Goals Model (Excel Version)
The Goals Model is now contained in Spectrum. Only use this Excel version if you intend to use the Capacity Module of the Goals Model, which projects human resource and training needs to meet program goals.
- ImpactNow
ImpactNow is an Excel-based model that estimates the health and economic impacts of family planning (FP) in the near term. It is designed to model the impacts of different policy scenarios, and to compare the results of those scenarios in advocacy materials. It can help to estimate the impacts of many "what if" questions about policy options. ImpactNow is designed to analyze impacts in the two- to seven-year time horizon; for example, it could be used to estimate the impacts of meeting Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) commitments. The outcomes are focused on reproductive health metrics, as well as economic metrics, such as cost-benefit ratios and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER).
- Male Circumcision Decisionmakers Tool
The Male Circumcision (MC) Decisionmakers Tool is an Excel-based model that estimates the impact and cost of scaling up male circumcision services as an HIV prevention intervention. The model considers different policy options including target populations (all adult males, young males, adolescents, neonates, high-risk males, etc.) and different rates of scaling up MC coverage. Outputs of the model include cost per MC performed, number of HIV infections averted, and cost per infection averted. Total costs can be based on detailed facility-level inputs on the costs of service provision or on assumptions about the average costs per male circumcision performed.
- RAPIDWomen
RAPIDWomen is an interactive software tool that links family planning and women-centered strategies, thereby demonstrating how investing in these programs can increase quality of life for women, girls, and families, as well as overall development. The model can be used to create an evidence base for women's rights advocates, government leaders, and women's organizations to advocate for increased investments in family planning/reproductive health and other women-centered interventions in their countries.
- Resource Estimation Tool for Advocacy
The Resource Estimation Tool for Advocacy (RETA) is a new tool to estimate resource needs for scaling up comprehensive HIV prevention programming for men who have sex with men and transgenders. RETA estimates the resources needed for a five-year period, based on user input of population size estimates, target coverage levels, and local costs of HIV prevention services. It was developed for use by civil society groups and can estimate resource needs at local, municipal, provincial, or national levels. RETA allows users to plan how specific services can or should be targeted at sub-populations of men who have sex with men to more accurately project the funding needs.
- Spectrum Policy Modeling System
Spectrum is a suite of policy models that make use of a unified set of Windows-based commands that can be easily learned. The models are used to project the need for FP/RH, MH, and HIV/AIDS services. Most models are available in English, French, and Spanish. Some are also available in Portuguese, Arabic, and Russian. Each model includes a detailed user manual that not only describes how to use the software but also includes sections on data sources, interpretation and use of the results, a tutorial, and a description of the methodology.
The models included in the Spectrum system are: DemProj, FamPlan, AIM, RAPID, Ben-Cost, NewGen, PMTCT, Safe Motherhood, and Condom Requirements. Allocate is a tool used to relate program actions to goals and summarizes output from other Spectrum models. The Goals Model has been added to the Spectrum suite. Goals helps efforts to respond to the HIV epidemic by showing how the amount and allocation of funding is related to the achievement of national goals, such as the reduction in HIV prevalence and expansion of care and support.- Workplace Policy Builder
Workplace Policy Builder (WPB) is designed to help companies develop their own HIV/AIDS policies through a participatory process. The WPB guides the user through the step-by-step process of developing a policy and includes a number of resources: a database of corporate workplace policies from around the world, a literature database of the impact of HIV/AIDS, national HIV/AIDS policies, international standards, the AIM-B model, and a component for assessing the cost of any proposed program.