Health Policy Project

The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.


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HIV/AIDS and Sexual Reproductive Health Among University Students in Ethiopia: A Policy Intervention Framework
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Author(s): Aragaw Lamesgin

Primary Language: English

Date: 11/1/2013


A lack of comprehensive knowledge about HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health (SRH), financial insecurity, gender-based violence, and other risk factors can leave students of higher education institutions (HEIs), especially women, more vulnerable to HIV infection. It is therefore important to consider the specific needs of this population group when designing and implementing HIV interventions. In Ethiopia, the Health Policy Project (HPP) is supporting the Federal HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office and HEIs to prioritize and target HIV interventions in HEI settings. As part of this effort, HPP assisted the government's HEI Partnership sub-Forum against HIV/AIDS with developing a Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation Framework for HIV/AIDS and SRH interventions in HEIs. Establishing a standardized system for planning, monitoring, and evaluating interventions will facilitate the generation and use of high-quality program-related data to inform decision making, thus helping to boost program effectiveness. Training and implementation of the framework has begun, and the next step will be to evaluate its effectiveness and standardization across HEIs in Ethiopia.

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The Health Policy Project is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development under Agreement No. AID-OAA-A-10-00067, beginning September 30, 2010. The project's HIV-related activities are supported by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). It is implemented by Futures Group, in collaboration with Plan International USA, Avenir Health (previously Futures Institute), Partners in Population and Development, Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO), Population Reference Bureau (PRB), RTI International, and White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood (WRA). The information provided on this Web site is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government.

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