Health Policy Project

The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.

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Browsing HPP: Report

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Pub date
Title & Author
APR 2016
Kenya County Health Accounts: Summary of Findings from 12 Pilot Counties
   Thomas Maina, Angela Akumu, and Stephen Muchiri
MAR 2016
JAN 2016
Sustainable HIV Financing in Uganda
   Sayaka Koseki, Thomas Fagan, and Veena Menon
NOV 2015
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
Family Planning and HIV Integration in Malawi: A Policy Analysis
   Laili Irani, Sara Pappa, and Pierre Dindi
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
Impact of Stigma on Utilization of Health Services among Sex Workers in Kenya
   Laura Nyblade, David Kuria Mbote, Catherine Barker, Javier Morla, Daniel Mwai, Tom Oneko, Melissa Stockton, Arin Dutta, Joshua Kimani, Helgar Musyoki, Stella Njugana, Martin Sirengo, Caroline Kemunto, John Mathenge, Peninah Mwangi, and Thomas Odhiam
SEP 2015
Integration of Family Planning and HIV Services in Malawi: An Assessment at the Facility Level
   Laili Irani, Erin McGinn, Madison Mellish, Olive Mtema, and Pierre Dindi
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
Promoting Gender-Responsive Health Governance: Lessons and Next Steps
   Jennifer Pendleton, Laili Irani, Madison Mellish, Rebecca Mbuya-Brown, and Nancy Yinger
SEP 2015
Repositioning Family Planning in West Africa: Task Sharing Synthesis Report
   M.K Konaté, Modibo Maiga, Erin McGinn, and Annie Chen
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
SEP 2015
Family Planning and HIV Integration in Malawi: Key Stakeholder Interviews
   Laili Irani, Madison Mellish, Erin McGinn, and Pierre Dindi
SEP 2015
Nigeria’s 2004 National Policy on Population for Sustainable Development: Implementation Assessment Report
   National Population Commission of Nigeria and the Health Policy Project
SEP 2015
AUG 2015
Costs of Delivering Services for Gender-based Violence at Health Facilities in Tanzania
   Susan Settergren, Biyi Adesina, Isihaka Mwandalima, and Darrin Adams
AUG 2015
JUL 2015
JUL 2015
2014/2015 National and County Health Budget Analysis Report
   Government of Kenya Ministry of Health
JUL 2015
JUL 2015
JUN 2015
Advanced OneHealth Tool Workshop Report
   Joni Waldron, Tewodros Bekele
JUN 2015
Kenya National Health Accounts 2012/2013
   Ministry of Health, Government of Kenya
MAY 2015
MAY 2015
APR 2015
The Costs and Impacts of Investing in the HIV Response in Ghana
   Arin Dutta, Alexander Paxton, and Ashley Kallarakal
APR 2015
MAR 2015
MAR 2015
MAR 2015
MAR 2015
Impacts of Family Planning on Nutrition and Food Security
   Ellen Smith, Reshma Naik, and Rhonda Smith
FEB 2015
FEB 2015
Costing of the Third Health Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan (HSHSP III) 2013–2017
   Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, National AIDS Control Programme, Tanzania
FEB 2015
The Costs and Impacts of Scaling Up PMTCT in Nigeria
   Adebiyi Adesina and Sarah Alkenbrack
JAN 2015
JAN 2015
JAN 2015
Repositionnement de la Planification Familiale en Mauritanie: La Politique de Tarification des Contraceptifs
   Timothée Gandaho, Cathryn Striefel, Modibo Maiga, and Annie Chen
DEC 2014
Report on the Review and Update of Guidelines and Standards for Gender Mainstreaming
   Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability, and Social Welfare
DEC 2014
2013 Kenya Household Health Expenditure and Utilisation Survey
   Ministry of Health, Government of Kenya
DEC 2014
Modeling the Demographic Dividend: Technical Guide to the DemDiv Model
   Scott Moreland, Elizabeth Leahy Madsen, Bernice Kuang, Matthew Hamilton, Kaja Jurczynska, Paul Brodish
DEC 2014
OCT 2014
OCT 2014
Health Sector Intergovernmental Consultative Forum
   Monica Wanjiru, Aaron Mulaki
OCT 2014
Transforming Gender Norms, Roles, and Power Dynamics for Better Health: Evidence from a Systematic Review of Gender-integrated Health Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
   Public Health Foundation of India, MEASURE Evaluation, Health Policy Project, and International Center for Research on Women
OCT 2014
Healthcare Financing Options for Kenya: FY 2013/14–2029/30
   Julius Korir, Thomas Maina, Annie Chen, Nicole Perales, and Arin Dutta
OCT 2014
SEP 2014
AUG 2014
AUG 2014
AUG 2014
The Effects of Decentralization on Family Planning
   R. Taylor Williamson, Sandra Duvall, Arthur A. Goldsmith, Karen Hardee, and Rebecca Mbuya-Brown
AUG 2014
AUG 2014
JUL 2014
Consensus Estimates on Key Population Size and HIV Prevalence in Tanzania
   Tanzania Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, National AIDS Control Programme
JUL 2014
Public Expenditure Tracking Survey in Kenya, 2012 (PETS-Plus)
   Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) and the Health Policy Project
JUN 2014
APR 2014
Estimated Resource Needs and Impact of Mozambique’s Plano Estratégico do Sector Saúde, 2014-2019
   Arin Dutta, Nicole Perales, Ricardo Silva, Laia Cirera i Crivillé
MAR 2014
Effectiveness of Fund Allocation and Spending for the National Rural Health Mission in Uttarakhand, India: Block and Facility Report
   Catherine Barker, Alexander Paxton, Arin Dutta, Ashish Mishra, Ayusmati Das, Jay Prakash
MAR 2014
JAN 2014
Incentivizing Performance: Conditional Grants in Kenya's Health System
   Annie Chen, Aaron Mulaki, Taylor Williamson
JAN 2014
DEC 2013
Lives on the Line: Funding Needs and Impacts of Ukraine’s National HIV/AIDS Program, 2014–2018
   Arin Dutta, Nicole Perales, Oleg Semeryk, Olga Balakireva, Tetiana Aleksandrina, Olena Ieshchenko, and Maryna Zelenska
DEC 2013
OCT 2013
Policy Analysis for Key Populations at Risk of HIV Infection in Togo
   Sandra Duvall, Jeannine Agounke, Simplice Anato, Ama Hodo, Yves Kugbe, Gertrude Chaold, Berry Nibogora
OCT 2013
SEP 2013
Policy Approaches to Enhancing Contraceptive Security in Decentralized Contexts
   Elizabeth Leahy Madsen, María Rosa Gárate, Maria Griselda Lloveras Castera, Miriam Rojo Silva, and Hannah Fortune-Greeley
SEP 2013
SEP 2013
Dos Caminos: Guatemala 2010-2050
   Herminia Reyes de Muralles, Telma Duarte de Morales, Marisela De La Cruz, Ellen Smith, and Juan Carlos Villatoro
AUG 2013
Jordan Health Policy Analysis
   Health Policy Project
JUL 2013
JUN 2013
Advancing Country Ownership: Civil Society's Role in Sustaining Public Health
   HPP, amfAR, IPPF Africa Region, Planned Parenthood Global
MAY 2013
The Impacts of Healthy Birth Spacing in Jordan
   Higher Population Council
MAY 2013
MAR 2013
FEB 2013
FEB 2013
Getting to "Stigma-Free" Services in Dominica: Survey Results
   National AIDS Response Programme/Ministry of Health, University of the West Indies HIV/AIDS Response Programme, and the Health Policy Project
JAN 2013
DEC 2012
NOV 2012
SEP 2012
SEP 2012
SEP 2012
JUL 2012
Repositioning Family Planning in Niger: A Baseline
   Elizabeth McDavid and Anipah Kodjo
JUL 2012
Repositioning Family Planning in Togo: A Baseline
   Elizabeth McDavid and Sabine Attama
JUL 2012
JUL 2012
JUN 2012
APR 2012
APR 2012
MAR 2012
MAR 2012
FEB 2012
Malawi RAPID: Population and Development: Update January 2012 (Booklet)
   Ministry of Finance and Development Planning
FEB 2012
NOV 2011
JUN 2011
Ukraine HIV Policy Assessment
   Nicole Judice
JUN 2011
JUN 2011
JUN 2011
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The Health Policy Project is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development under Agreement No. AID-OAA-A-10-00067, beginning September 30, 2010. The project's HIV-related activities are supported by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). It is implemented by Futures Group, in collaboration with Plan International USA, Avenir Health (previously Futures Institute), Partners in Population and Development, Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO), Population Reference Bureau (PRB), RTI International, and White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood (WRA). The information provided on this Web site is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government.

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