The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Author(s): Arin Dutta
Primary Language: English
Date: 1/28/2015
A high proportion of Tanzania’s total health spending comes from foreign donors and households (out-of-pocket), rather than from sustainable sources such as government tax-based revenue or health insurance. While the country has made enormous strides in improving its population’s health, the Government of Tanzania and its development partners recognize that the current health financing structure is not sustainable. The government is now considering several crucial changes to how healthcare in Tanzania is financed; as part of this effort, the country is finalizing a health financing strategy and scaling up new programs to accelerate service delivery coverage and improve quality.
In support of building a sustainable structure, the USAID- and PEPFAR-funded Health Policy Project reviewed the country’s healthcare financing situation to provide a baseline against which innovation and policy change can be gauged. This report provides a broad overview of the health financing landscape in Tanzania as of 2014 and aims to highlight those aspects suggesting a greater reliance on domestic and sustainable resources to accomplish Tanzania’s health goals.
Health Financing Health Systems Strengthening Report Sustainable Financing Tanzania