The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Software and Models
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ImpactNow is an Excel-based model that estimates the health and economic impacts of family planning (FP) in the near term. It is designed to model the impacts of different policy scenarios, and to compare the results of those scenarios in advocacy materials. It can help to estimate the impacts of many "what if" questions about policy options. ImpactNow is designed to analyze impacts in the two- to seven-year time horizon; for example, it could be used to estimate the impacts of meeting Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) commitments. The outcomes are focused on reproductive health metrics, as well as economic metrics, such as cost-benefit ratios and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER).
ImpactNow was adapted from Marie Stopes International's (MSI) Impact 2 as a collaboration between MSI and the Health Policy Project (HPP), with support from USAID. The Health Policy Project, supported by USAID, authored this user manual to help health analysts use the ImpactNow model to estimate the health and economic impacts of FP programs.
- ImpactNow Manual Version 2.0
( pdf 2,780 kb ) - ImpactNow Model Version 2.0
( xlsm 5,776 kb )