Health Policy Project

The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.


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Health Policy Project India Organizes World Population Day Events

Posted July 23, 2012


Image of World Population Day walkathon in Delhi, India

Dr. Syeda Hameed, Shri. Naveen Jindal, Dr. Sushma Dureja (JSK), and former athlete Suneeta Godra during the World Population Day Walkathon in Delhi. Photo by Health Policy Project/India.

On July 11, 2012, World Population Day was marked by a series of advocacy events in India organized by Health Policy Project (HPP) India’s partner, Jansankhya Sthirata Kosh (JSK, or the National Population Stabilization Fund), with the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW), and Citizens’ Alliance for Reproductive Health and Rights.  HPP worked closely with partners to promote linkages and provide technical assistance in developing evidence-based advocacy messages.  The day included three key events: A walkathon that drew over 2,000 participants, the National Conference for Population Action led by JSK, with participation from NIHFW and Citizens’ Alliance, and a dialogue between Parliamentarians, technical experts, and civil society led by Citizens’ Alliance.  For the first time, Parliamentarians joined advocacy and civil society groups to describe concrete actions, which they could take to improve family planning services in the high-focus states in India.

Download the World Population Day 2012 brief (PDF)

View photos from the Health Policy Project/India World Population Day event

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The Health Policy Project is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development under Agreement No. AID-OAA-A-10-00067, beginning September 30, 2010. The project's HIV-related activities are supported by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). It is implemented by Futures Group, in collaboration with Plan International USA, Avenir Health (previously Futures Institute), Partners in Population and Development, Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO), Population Reference Bureau (PRB), RTI International, and White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood (WRA). The information provided on this Web site is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. Government.

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