The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
- Family Planning CIP Gap Analysis Tool
52,255 kb - Family Planning CIP Gap Analysis Tool (zipped)
23,387 kb - Family Planning CIP Gap Analysis Tool: User Guide
855 kb - FP CIP Gap Analysis Tool: User Guide (French)
1,250 kb - Simplified CIP Gap Analysis Tool
444 kb - Simplified CIP Gap Analysis Tool (French)
463 kb
Author(s): Health Policy Project
Primary Language: English
Date: 3/20/2015
The Family Planning CIP Gap Analysis Tool is an Excel-based tool that helps countries estimate the financial gap between the costs associated with implementing detailed costed implementation plan (CIP) activities and the annual funding commitment by government and donors for supporting the plan’s implementation. The gap analysis tool is designed to be used in conjunction with the Family Planning CIP Costing Tool (also part of the CIP Resource Kit), but allows the user to input cost data from any source (for instance, if the original CIP was costed using a different methodology). The tool can be used at the national level—or subnational levels—to help policymakers, decisionmakers, partners, and donors better plan and advocate for an effective FP strategy and is most effective as part of the initial CIP development or an annual CIP review process. The CIP Gap Analysis Tool User Guide provides step-by-step instructions for applying the tool.
The Family Planning CIP Gap Analysis Tool is designed for use in developing a comprehensive plan that meets the standard level of costing and gap analysis detail recommended for CIPs, which includes costs associated with specific activities within each CIP thematic area. For countries that wish to apply the CIP Gap Analysis Tool in support of an existing CIP or strategic plan that does not include activity-level costs, the Simplified CIP Gap Analysis Tool may be more appropriate.
This resource is part of the CIP Resource Kit, which can be accessed at
CIP Resource Kit Costed Implementation Plan Costing Family Planning/Reproductive Health (FP/RH) FP2020/30 Manual Software/Model Global