The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
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Browsing HPP: Sustainable Financing
Pub date
Title & Author
MAY 2016
Health Financing and Macro-fiscal Country Profiles
Health Policy Project
Health Policy Project
JAN 2016
Sustainable HIV Financing in Uganda
Sayaka Koseki, Thomas Fagan, and Veena Menon
Sayaka Koseki, Thomas Fagan, and Veena Menon
NOV 2015
JUL 2015
2014/2015 National and County Health Budget Analysis Report
Government of Kenya Ministry of Health
Government of Kenya Ministry of Health
JUL 2015
FEB 2015
Prospects for Sustainable Health Financing in Tanzania
Katie West-Slevin and Arin Dutta
Katie West-Slevin and Arin Dutta
JAN 2015
FEB 2014
Snapshot: Tanzania’s Health System
Katie West-Slevin, Cathy Barker, Mari Hickmann
Katie West-Slevin, Cathy Barker, Mari Hickmann