The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Author(s): Health Policy Project
Primary Language: English
Date: 5/16/2016
As part of the USAID-led PEPFAR Sustainable Financing Initiative to increase domestic resources for HIV, the USAID- and PEPFAR-funded Health Policy Project created 31 macro-fiscal and health financing profiles for 18 countries that are transitioning to a higher income status, have high HIV burdens, and/or rely heavily on donor funding. These country profiles assess past trends and future projections in key indicators related to a country's ability to grow economically and dedicate more financial resources to health, including HIV.
The macro-fiscal profiles provide overviews of each country's economic growth, political economy, and government revenue and expenditure. The health financing profiles analyze government, external, and out-of-pocket spending on health; health financing functions, including revenue contribution and collection, pooling, and purchasing; and HIV financing trends.
HIV Sustainable Financing Botswana Côte d'Ivoire Ethiopia Ghana Haiti India Kenya Malawi Mozambique Nigeria South Africa Tanzania Uganda Zambia