The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Author(s): Elise Lang and Veena Menon
Primary Language: English
Date: 9/15/2015
Increasing eligibility for treatment necessitates reallocation of resources and strategic investment to prepare the healthcare system and ensure access to treatment. This policy will increase the number of patients needing treatment in the near term, which will put stress on human resources for health, facilities, and the supply chain. Recognizing these challenges, the USAID- and PEPFAR-funded Health Policy Project (HPP) provided technical assistance and programmatic support to the government of Botswana to address its ongoing efforts to restructure the health sector. Using the OneHealth Tool, HPP analyzed the costs of implementing the WHO 2013 recommendations and the test and treat model in 2016.
Brief Costing Health Financing HIV Botswana