The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
- Decision Model Brief (French)
269 kb - Decision Model Brief (English)
229 kb
Author(s): Health Policy Project
Primary Language: English
Date: 4/2/2015
Males who have sex with males (MSM), transgender (TG) people, and sex workers (SWs) are at higher risk for HIV transmission than other individuals, even in generalized epidemics. Structural and policy issues have created barriers for MSM/TG/SW in seeking services and adopting individual and community harm reduction strategies. The Policy Analysis and Advocacy Decision Model for HIV-Related Services: Males Who Have Sex with Males, Transgender People, and Sex Workers, published by the Health Policy Project and AMSHeR (African Men for Sexual Health and Rights) with support from USAID and PEPFAR, is a collection of tools that helps users assess and address policy barriers that restrict access to HIV-related services for MSM/TG/SW. In 2012 and 2013, the Decision Model was applied in Burkina Faso and Togo. This brief presents the Decision Model and key policy findings.
Advocacy Brief Equity Gender HIV Men having Sex with Men (MSM) Non-Government/Community Service Org. (NGO/CSO) Policy Stigma and Discrimination Transgender Women Youth West Africa