The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Author(s): R. Taylor Williamson, Sandra Duvall, Arthur A. Goldsmith, Karen Hardee, and Rebecca Mbuya-Brown
Primary Language: English
Date: 8/22/2014
Decentralization of family planning is a critical concern for policymakers as international family planning commitments and the expansion of decentralization reforms become more common. Building on the latest research, this paper presents a family planning and decentralization analytical framework that was developed by the USAID-funded Health Policy Project to help key stakeholders better understand family planning decentralization processes, identify potential challenges and opportunities, and guide decentralization reforms.
Advocacy Civil Society Engagement Family Planning/Reproductive Health (FP/RH) Governance, Stewardship & Accountability (GS&A) Health Systems Strengthening Leadership Non-Government/Community Service Org. (NGO/CSO) Policy Report