The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Author(s): Joni Waldron, Adebiyi Adesina
Primary Language: English
Date: 1/9/2014
Saving Mothers, Giving Life (SMGL) is five-year public-private partnership aiming to drastically reduce maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. As part of the proof of concept, the USAID- and PEPFAR-funded Health Policy Project conducted an expenditure analysis to identify what additional expenditures were made to reduce maternal mortality in the eight SMGL pilot districts in Uganda and Zambia. The overall study findings showed that investments in infrastructure, transportation, training for healthcare workers, and demand creation for facility-based deliveries led to maternal mortality decreases in both countries in one year—30 percent in one, 35 percent in the other. HPP's expenditure analyses complement these evaluations, and help to inform budgeting and planning for scale-up of the district strengthening model.
Brief Budgeting Costing Health Financing Health Systems Strengthening HIV Maternal Health People Living With HIV (PLHIV) Private Sector Urban and Rural Poor Uganda Zambia