The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Author(s): Annie Chen, Andrew Koleros
Primary Language: French
Date: 11/30/2013
The Health Policy Project's final costing study entitled Estimating the Unit Cost of Providing a Minimum Package of HIV Services to Female Sex Workers and Men Who Have Sex with Men, provides useful information for national program planners, donors, and other stakeholders.It does now, however, include operational details on how these different stakeholders can use the study results for their individual planning, budgeting, and resource mobilization and/or allocation purposes. This companion guide provides details on how study results may be used to inform decision making at multiple levels.
Capacity Development Capacity Development Resource Costing HIV Manual Men having Sex with Men (MSM) Sex Workers (SWs) Côte d'Ivoire