The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Author(s): Ministry of Women’s Affairs and Rights
Primary Language: English
Date: 1/20/2015
In June 2014, the government of Haiti passed a new law: the Responsible Paternity Act. With this law, Haiti sent a clear signal promoting the “protection of all children, without discrimination.” A significant implication of the act for parents is that children born within and outside of marriage must be afforded the same opportunities and rights (e.g., inheritance rights)—an important principle in a society with five forms of union. This booklet reproduces the text of the law, and was produced by the USAID-funded Health Policy Project AKSE program to educate parents and judicial actors about the new law and advocate for its concrete application. The law is not retroactive.
Child Protection Gender Governance, Stewardship & Accountability (GS&A) Health Systems Strengthening Other Health Domains Policy Document Haiti