The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.

- Standardized Brief Questionnaire-Chinese
503 kb - Standardized Brief Questionnaire-English
492 kb - Standardized Brief Questionnaire-French
505 kb - Standardized Brief Questionnaire-Spanish
224 kb - Standardized Brief Questionnaire-Swahili
210 kb - Monitoring Tool for Global Indicators-Chinese
372 kb - Monitoring Tool for Global Indicators-English
400 kb - Monitoring Tool for Global Indicators-French
460 kb - Monitoring Tool for Global Indicators-Spanish
183 kb - Monitoring Tool for Global Indicators-Swahili
235 kb
Author(s): Laura Nyblade
Primary Language: English
Date: 4/5/2013
For people living with and affected by HIV, stigma and discrimination within health facilities are serious barriers to healthcare access and engagement. Researchers have documented numerous instances worldwide of people living with HIV receiving substandard care or being deterred from seeking care. Although progress has been made in training and other interventions to reduce HIV-related stigma in healthcare facilities, these programs have not been institutionalized as routine practice or implemented on a large scale. Moreover, the tools for measuring stigma tend to be lengthy and time-consuming to administer, thus infeasible for use in facilities.
To address these issues, an international team of researchers developed and piloted a brief, globally standardized questionnaire for measuring stigma and discrimination in health facilities. This tool can help facilitate routine monitoring of HIV-related stigma as well as the expansion and improvement of programming and policies at the health-facility level.
Based on the pilot's findings, two final questionnaires are now available: a brief version for program evaluation and a comprehensive version for research purposes. Each questionnaire can be used for high-prevalence or low-prevalence settings.
HIV Manual Men having Sex with Men (MSM) People Living With HIV (PLHIV) Sex Workers (SWs) Stigma and Discrimination Stigma Package Global