The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
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Browsing HPP: H26
Pub date
Title & Author
APR 2016
PEPFAR's Strategic Pivot in Tanzania: Implications for the Domestic HIV Budget
Thomas Fagan and Arin Dutta
Thomas Fagan and Arin Dutta
APR 2016
Resource Requirements for Meeting and Sustaining the Accelerating Children’s Treatment (ACT) Targets for Pediatric Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) in Tanzania
Catherine Barker, Thomas Fagan, Rosemary Silaa, Arin Dutta, and Sara Bowsky
Catherine Barker, Thomas Fagan, Rosemary Silaa, Arin Dutta, and Sara Bowsky
APR 2016
Analysis of Taxation to Enhance Fiscal Space for Health and HIV and AIDS in Tanzania
Bryant Lee, Arin Dutta, and Beatus Idama
Bryant Lee, Arin Dutta, and Beatus Idama
APR 2016
Potential for Financing HIV Services Through Health Insurance Schemes in Tanzania
Bryant Lee, Amos Kahwa, Arin Dutta, and Rosemary Silaa
Bryant Lee, Amos Kahwa, Arin Dutta, and Rosemary Silaa
JAN 2016
Sustainable HIV Financing in Uganda
Sayaka Koseki, Thomas Fagan, and Veena Menon
Sayaka Koseki, Thomas Fagan, and Veena Menon
NOV 2015