The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
- DemDiv Model (February 2015)
504 kb
Author(s): Health Policy Project and United States Agency for International Development
Primary Language: English
Date: 9/30/2014
To meet the data needs of policymakers, whose enthusiasm for the potential economic benefits of the demographic dividend is growing, the Health Policy Project developed DemDiv, a new, customizable projection model. DemDiv is a user-friendly, evidence-based tool that informs policymakers in high-fertility countries of the potential benefits of the demographic dividend and can increase their support for investments in the multisectoral policies required to achieve those benefits. The model can be applied in any country, and allows users to design multiple scenarios showing how the combined power of policy investments in family planning, education, and the economy can generate a demographic dividend not possible under the status quo.
DemDiv was created by the Health Policy Project (HPP), with support from USAID. It is available at no cost for use by anyone. All uses of DemDiv should credit HPP and USAID as the source of the model, using the citation listed on the model overview page. HPP does not verify the results of applications performed independently, and results should be presented as estimates. HPP kindly requests that individuals, institutions, and programs using the model inform Futures Group of such use so that we better understand its reach and impact, by contacting Users are also welcome to submit comments and suggestions to improve the model to the same address.
Demographic Dividend Family Planning/Reproductive Health (FP/RH) Modeling Software/Model Global