The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
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Browsing HPP: OneHealth
Pub date
Title & Author
JAN 2016
Sustainable HIV Financing in Uganda
Sayaka Koseki, Thomas Fagan, and Veena Menon
Sayaka Koseki, Thomas Fagan, and Veena Menon
OCT 2015
Tools and Approaches Series
Health Policy Project
Health Policy Project
SEP 2015
Estimated Resource Needs for Key Health Interventions Offered Under Botswana’s Essential Health Services Plan 2013–2018
Veena Menon, Elise Lang, Ricardo Silva, and Priya Iyer
Veena Menon, Elise Lang, Ricardo Silva, and Priya Iyer
SEP 2015
Sustainability Implications for Tanzania’s Fourth Health Sector Strategic Plan, 2015/16–2019/20
Cathy Barker, Arin Dutta, and the One Health Study Team
Cathy Barker, Arin Dutta, and the One Health Study Team
JUN 2015
Advanced OneHealth Tool Workshop Report
Joni Waldron, Tewodros Bekele
Joni Waldron, Tewodros Bekele
APR 2015
Resource Needs for the Kenya Health Sector Strategic and Investment Plan: Analysis Using the OneHealth Tool
Nicole Perales, Arin Dutta, Thomas Maina
Nicole Perales, Arin Dutta, Thomas Maina
FEB 2015
Costing of the Third Health Sector HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan (HSHSP III) 2013–2017
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, National AIDS Control Programme, Tanzania
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, National AIDS Control Programme, Tanzania
OCT 2014
Healthcare Financing Options for Kenya: FY 2013/14–2029/30
Julius Korir, Thomas Maina, Annie Chen, Nicole Perales, and Arin Dutta
Julius Korir, Thomas Maina, Annie Chen, Nicole Perales, and Arin Dutta
AUG 2014