The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Author(s): Yadira Almodóvar-Diaz and Aragaw Lamesgin
Primary Language: English
Date: 3/31/2015
Since 2012, the USAID-funded Health Policy Project (HPP), in partnership with the Ethiopia Public Health Association (EPHA), has trained 52 public health professionals from government entities, universities, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the use of the Spectrum Policy Modeling System suite of tools. Driven by the vision of furthering this initiative, four faculty members from the Department of Reproductive Health at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, the Department of Population Studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Institute of Public Health at the University of Gondar developed a proposal to integrate four Spectrum Model tools—DemProj, FamPlan, RAPID, and LIST—into the Master of Public Health (MPH) and Master of Science (MSc) curricula.This report summarizes the process followed, as well as successes and lessons learned from the integration of Spectrum tools into the academic curricula at the University of Gondar.
Capacity Development Family Planning/Reproductive Health (FP/RH) Modeling Report Spectrum Ethiopia