The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Incentivizing Performance: Conditional Grants in Kenya's Health System
Author(s): Annie Chen, Aaron Mulaki, Taylor Williamson
Primary Language: English
Date: 1/31/2014
This report by the USAID- and PEPFAR-funded Health Policy Project provides and introduction to conditional grants and describes how Kenya can use them to strengthen its health systems during the transition to a devolved system of government and a decentralized health infrastructure.
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Budgeting Efficiency & Effectiveness Equity Governance, Stewardship & Accountability (GS&A) Health Financing Health Systems Strengthening Parliamentarians Report Kenya
Budgeting Efficiency & Effectiveness Equity Governance, Stewardship & Accountability (GS&A) Health Financing Health Systems Strengthening Parliamentarians Report Kenya