The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Author(s): Ellen Smith, Ramona Godbole, Ruth Musila, Violet Murunga, and Eliya Zulu
Primary Language: English
Date: 12/20/2013
Family planning (FP) advocacy plays a key role in policy development. Despite a significant body of evidence-based advocacy promoting family planning, there are few systematic studies on decisionmakers’ opinions of such advocacy; how advocacy and evidence are used by decisionmakers; what types of evidence and advocacy are persuasive from the perspective of decisionmakers themselves; and how and why decisionmakers support FP policies. This USAID-funded Health Policy Project study was designed to address these issues. The findings draw from structured interviews in three countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, and Malawi.
Advocacy Family Planning/Reproductive Health (FP/RH) Ethiopia Kenya Malawi