The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Author(s): Karen Hardee, Laili Irani, Ron MacInnis, and Matthew Hamilton
Primary Language: English
Date: 12/11/2012
Health-related policy and its implementation is complex. This conceptual framework, prepared by the Health Policy Project, is designed to show the flow from health-related policy development to health-related policy and program implementation. The framework has been developed based on an extensive review of health policy and health systems literature and decades of experience in the policy areas related to family planning, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and maternal health. The framework includes the four stages of policy, which starts with the identification of a problem and moves to policy development, policy implementation, and policy monitoring and evaluation. The conceptual framework situates the process within the context of an enabling environment, comprising broader governance and political, sociocultural, and economic factors. It is meant to guide governments, organizations, and communities in understanding the links among health-related policies, programs, systems, outcomes and better implementation and monitoring and evaluation of health-related policies. It can also be used to frame research questions and design studies.
Family Planning/Reproductive Health (FP/RH) Governance, Stewardship & Accountability (GS&A) Health Systems Strengthening HIV Maternal Health Policy Working Papers Global