The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
Author(s): Higher Population Council
Primary Language: English
Date: 5/22/2013
The Health Policy Project (HPP) in Jordan focuses on supporting national-level awareness raising, resource mobilization, and policy reform to improve the quality of and access to family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) services. HPP supports the Higher Population Council (HPC), Ministry of Health (MOH), and other key stakeholders to create an enabling environment for FP/RH through improved multisectoral engagement and coordination, data use, and policy reform. A particular area of focus is healthy birth spacing. Nearly one third of all births in Jordan are spaced less than two years apart, and more than half are spaced less than three years apart. Statistics show that an interval between births shorter than 33 months lowers the chance of survival for the mother and child. The higher rates of maternal and child mortality and morbidity associated with short birth intervals create burdens for families and society as a whole. The practice of healthy birth spacing is increasing in Jordan, but not fast enough. Wide adoption of healthy birth spacing in Jordan will reduce neonatal, infant, child and maternal mortality; improve the health of mothers and their offspring; enhance the ability of fathers to care for their families; and make communities healthier and stronger. This package of materials present the research evidence for healthy birth spacing and suggest what Jordan can do in the spheres of policy, education, and health services to promote the practice.
Advocacy Brief Civil Society Engagement Family Planning/Reproductive Health (FP/RH) Health Financing Maternal Health Policy Presentation Report Jordan