The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.

Country & Regional Programs
- ► Africa
- ► Asia and the Middle East
- ► Europe and Eurasia (E&E)
- ► Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
Jordan has one of the fastest growing populations in the world, with approximately 60 percent of its population below 25 years of age. Between 1979 and 2011, the population grew from 2.1 to 6.6 million people. This growth is due primarily to high fertility, and if it continues at the current rate of 2.6 percent, the population of Jordan will double in about 27 years.
Addressing population growth and family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH) issues is crucial for Jordan to meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and reduce maternal and neonatal mortality rates, which are highly correlated with the short birth intervals in Jordan—an issue that can be addressed through supportive FP/RH policies.
What We Do
The Health Policy Project (HPP) in Jordan has a primary emphasis on supporting national-level awareness raising, resource mobilization, and policy reform to improve the quality of and expand access to family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) services. HPP supports the Higher Population Council (HPC), Ministry of Health (MOH), and other key stakeholders to create an enabling environment for FP/RH through improved multisectoral engagement and coordination, data use, and policy reform. Ultimately, Jordanian women of reproductive age in all socioeconomic groups will benefit from an enhanced FP/RH policy environment that will facilitate better access to a wide range of contraceptive choices and encourage them to continue the use of modern family planning methods.
HPP’s work in Jordan has three components:
Strengthen Government Policy Environment and Support Policy Implementation
HPP supports Jordan’s MOH and other stakeholders in their efforts to reduce policy barriers and improve the delivery of FP/RH services, and helps strengthen the stewardship role of the MOH in implementing these policies. The program also provides support for financial analysis and strategic planning for FP/RH services by assisting the MOH to estimate budget requirements, identify policy barriers that affect funding for contraceptives, and address legal and regulatory barriers to contraceptive registration, distribution, and procurement.
Strengthen Capacity to Advocate for Increased Family Planning Support
A key component to FP/RH policy reform in Jordan is raising awareness among government leadership about the importance of committing resources to improve FP/RH services. HPP works to strengthen the capacity of the Higher Population Council in developing a joint advocacy strategy with the MOH and key stakeholders to increase overall commitment and support for policy reform and family planning initiatives in Jordan.
Develop Tools for Advocacy and Policy Planning
In an effort to inform advocacy efforts and policy planning, HPP supports the Higher Population Council and MOH in developing tools and compiling data to maximize the impact of these initiatives. It also helps to update, disseminate, and use existing advocacy tools.
HPP’s support will contribute to helping Jordan’s government become increasingly accountable to its people, especially by investing in people to improve access to FP/RH services.
Recent Progress and Achievements
- HPP helped the Higher Population Council and MOH to co-sponsor the first-ever National Reproductive Health/Family Planning Symposium in Jordan for MOH staff, health officials from all 12 governorates, print and broadcast journalists, and representatives from various ministries, universities, NGOs, professional associations, Royal Medical Services, and multilateral donor agencies.
- HPP presented the Water Sector RAPID—prepared under the Health Policy Initiative—to a donor group and senior officials of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, to generate awareness about population trends and mobilize high-level political support and leadership for family planning as a crucial aspect of meeting Jordan’s broader development goals.
Publications and Resources
Jordan Project Overview (USAID)
Jordan National Reproductive Health/Family Planning Strategy: At a Glance
This brief summarizes the three main challenges to Jordan’s FP program—policy, access, and beliefs and behaviors—and outlines the interventions planned to address them.
Jordan Health Policy Analysis
In 2013, HPP conducted a series of trainings for government leaders, local media, and other stakeholders in Jordan. The effort aimed to highlight the importance of policy in strengthening family planning programs to advance the health of Jordanians. The first workshop focused on HPP's policy framework, which links family planning policy to health outcomes.
Jordan RAPID: Population Growth & It's Impact on Land Use
This RAPID presentation, developed by HPP in collaboration with Jordan's Higher Population Council, demonstrates that future population growth will directly affect the use of land in Jordan.
Jordan RAPID: Population Growth & Its Impact on Energy
This RAPID presentation, developed by HPP collaboration with the Jordan Higher Population Council, demonstrates that future population growth will directly affect the ability of Jordan to provide sufficient energy resources.
The Impacts of Healthy Birth Spacing in Jordan
This package of materials present the research evidence for healthy birth spacing and suggest what Jordan can do in the spheres of policy, education, and health services to promote the practice.
RAPID Jordan: The Change We Seek presentation (English)
RAPID Jordan: The Change We Seek presentation (Arabic)
A National Study Shows the Impact of Population Growth on Natural Resources and the Environment (PDF)
A New Roadmap to Guide Family Planning in Jordan
First-Ever National Reproductive Health and Family Planning Symposium Held in Jordan
HPP collaborates with a range of in-country and international partners in Jordan, including:
- Higher Population Council
- Ministry of Health
- Other Jordanian institutions, including the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs, and the Ministry of Education.