The Health Policy Project ended in 2016. Work continued under Health Policy Plus (HP+) until 2022.
In August 2011, the Health Policy Project (HPP) helped develop and conduct a three-day training on gender issues for U.S. Government (USG) mission staff, health managers, and PEPFAR implementing partners in Mozambique. Susan Settergren, HPP Senior Gender Advisor, facilitated the workshop sessions alongside Mary Ellen Duke, USAID Mozambique Gender Advisor, and Daniela Ligiero, Senior Gender Advisor from the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator.
The USG mission in Maputo requested the training to learn more about the Global Health Initiative’s (GHI) prioritization in advancing women, girls, and gender equality, and to strengthen gender integration among USG diplomatic and development activities in Mozambique.
A total of 90 participants attended the workshop in which they established a common understanding of gender concepts and learned the basics of applying gender analysis to their programs. Trainers discussed recent policies and practices to address gender issues throughout all USG agencies, and introduced key tools for application to ongoing programs and upcoming planning, including the PEPFAR Country Operational Plans.
The facilitators also introduced three key elements of implementation described in the GHI’s Supplemental Guidance on Women, Girls, and Gender Equality Principle:
1 Monitor, prevent, and respond to gender-based violence.
2) Empower adolescent and pre-adolescent girls by fostering and strengthening their social networks, educational opportunities, and economic assets.
3) Engage men and boys as clients, supportive partners, and role models for gender equality.
For more information about the gender training in Mozambique, visit the GHI website >>
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